Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homecomming and a fun weekend!

Homecomming and a super busy, but fun weekend. 


 Sunday we went to the Hamilton lake to celebrate Landon´s 4 birthday. First we went to a pumpkin patch with a very big corn maze. I was super fun, but very cold. I did not know we were going anywhere that day so i did not bring my camera, so all the pictures from sunday is from Jaide´s camera.
Ava - Landon - Shannon - Ivan - Molly - Jody - Brock - Me - Jaide 

Saturday we went pain balling with many other exchange students and siblings. 
Tilføj billedtekst

Ava - Me- Poppy


Homecomming was very fun and i had a very great time. I meet at 5 at the university to get the pictures taking together with Micaela, Vinicius and Poppy. Then we went to Applebees to eat. After that we had some time to kill, but we didn´t really know what to do so we just went to the mall and walked around there for about 1 hour. Then it was the homecoming dance. It started 8:30 to 11:30. 
Poppy - Me - Vinicius - Micaela 

The Friday before homecoming: 

We went to the game (were we lost again) But it was really fun, i start to get the rules now, even though when you stand in the student section you don't really pay attention to the game (or i don't) i just talk to Leo, Poppy or other people.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Last nigth it was homecoming night, i had a lot of fun, here is some pictures.
"One picture describes more than a 1000 words. "

Poppy (Thailnad) - Vinicuis (Brazil) - Micaela (Italy)

Saturday, October 11, 2014



So last week i went to Texas to visit some family, it was super fun to experience real Texas. All the people was so nice and the weather was amazing too. Saturday we had a family reunion, we were about 30 people, and in the evening we had a bonfire with the last guests. It was a 16 hour drive down there and about 20 hours back again because on the way back we stopped at St. Louis arch. 

There has been so much going on this week, we came home monday night. Wednesday my mom and i went shopping for about 4 hours in Fort Wayne to look for a homecomming-dress, and at last we found one. Thursday Poppy (Exchange student from Thailand), my mom, sister and i went shopping again because i still haven't found any shoes yet. But we didn't had any luck, and that evening there was a pep-rally and bonfire at the school. At the bonfire we met up with all the exchange students from Defiance High School, it was super nice. Yesterday (Friday) me, Poppy and Leo (Exchange student from Germany) went to the football game, it was a fun game even though we lost again. (We have lost every game this season..) Im super exited for Homecoming tonight, and i will make a new post about that. 

Hope everything is going great for you where ever you are :) 

All the exchange students at Defiance High School 14/15

From the left -August (Denmark) - Nils (Germany) - Adrian (Slovakia) - Daniel (Spain)- Micaela (Italy) - Vinicius (Brazil) - Fransesca (Italy) - Me (Denmark) - Poppy (Thailand) and Leo (Germany)


Poppy´s birthday

The Mississippi River 

Shopping in Target - Texas

Me at the Texas and Arkansas state line (At 4 in the morning, just saying....)

Tilføj billedtekst

The spirit week, people at my school didn't dress up that much, but it was fun anyway. 

Me and Poppy out shopping 

The bonfire

Leo (Germany) Poppy (Thailand) and me

The student section at the football game yesterday 

The house in Texas

Family reunion 

The Arch

There was a museum under the arch.  

Someone was afraid of heights and small spaces.. :) 

This was the "ball" you sat in on the way to the top. So small.

Bridge over St. Louis river